
Political Film Review #4

NIXON NOMINATED FOR BEST EXPOSÉ The latest nominee for an award for raising political consciousness is Oliver Stone’s Nixon. Although criticized by Nixon’s family, admirers and biographers, the film enlightens filmviewers on the way in which a political leader tragically cannot escape the influence of formative experiences during a difficult childhood. NOMINATIONS CLOSE FOR BEST […]

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Political Film Review #3

HAWAI`I INTERNATIONAL FILM FESTIVAL HELD One hundred films, mostly from Asia and the Pacific, were presented in Hawai`i free of charge from November 2-16. PFS, as usual, will give an award to the film that best raised political consciousness.  To nominate a film that appeared, send a letter to the Society. NOMINEES FOR BEST FILMS

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Political Film Review #2

HAWAI`I INTERNATIONAL FILM FESTIVAL TO BE HELD NOVEMBER 2-16 One hundred films, mostly from Asia and the Pacific, will be presented in Hawai`i free of charge from November 2-16. PFS, as usual, will give an award to the film that best raises political consciousness. For more information, call the Festival office at (808) 528-3456; fax

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Political Film Review #1

AMERICAN POLITICAL SCIENCE ASSOCIATION RECOGNIZES PFS AS A RELATED GROUP At its convention in Chicago last week, the American Political Science Association accorded the Political Film Society the status of a Related Group. PFS was allowed to sponsor one panel, and the Political Transformation Section co-sponsored a second panel. PFS held a business meeting and

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