Time Machine

Time Machine is a retake of the 1960 film of the same title, inspired by the 1895 novella by H. G. Wells and directed by his great-grandson Simon Wells. Cinematic advances are evidently the sole purpose of the retake. Indeed, the story resembles last year’s retake of Planet of the Apes. Mechanical Engineering Professor Alexander Hartdegen (played by Guy Pearce) of Columbia University begins the film by losing track of time, as he has a date in Central Park with his fiancée Emma (played by Sienna Guillory), whom he wants to marry. After he finally meets Emma and proposes, however, a robber appears with a gun to claim his wallet, watch, and ring. Hartdegen struggles with the thief, a shot is fired, and Emma is dead. He then becomes a recluse, working on something for four years. He doubtless believes that the untimely death would not have occurred if he had been more punctual, so be becomes obsessed with time and builds a time machine. When he sits on the seat of his time machine for a dry run, he tries to go backward in time in order to prevent the murder. Nevertheless, after a passing coach kills Emma when he goes backward, he decides instead to go forward in time. Computerized cinematic advances are then put to good use, as we see the evolution of the planet from the starting point of the first decade of the twentieth century to sometime near 850,000 years, when the earth has been devastated because the moon disintegrated and fell on earth. Humans are now of two separate species. Eloi, which appear to be primitive humans, are on the surface of the planet, but Morlocks, led by Uber-Morlock (played by Jeremy Irons), inhabit the world below the surface. Most Morlocks resemble evolutionarily advanced frogs, who conduct occasional cannibalistic hunting forays. Upon arrival among the Eloi, Hartdegen is immediately befriended by Mara (played by Samantha Mumba), who in due course is abducted by one of the Morlocks along with other Eloi. Surprised that the Eloi do not fight back, Hartdegen then changes from an absentminded scientist to an aggressive fighter. He then goes underground to save Mara, meets Uber-Morlock, and decides to use his time machine as a trap to annihilate the underground creatures. As he appears at the surface with Mara, he seems to have found a world where he is happy. The original scene at his home in New York then reappears; his former housekeeper and best friend remark that the good professor has been gone a week or so and that perhaps he has found a happier place. M

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