In 1953 Philip K. Dick wrote a futurist short story to rival George Orwell’s 1984. Nearly fifty years later, Dick’s Impostor has been brought to the screen, more convincingly than the 1956 film version of Orwell’s novel, thanks to director Gary Fleder. The story is set in the year 2079. Spencer Olham (played by Gary Sinise) begins the story with a voiceover about his idyllic youth, and then how a planet in another galaxy attacked Earth in 2044, transforming his democratic world into a “Victory at any cost” authoritarianism to save the planet, which is now protected by Star Wars shields from further attacks and surveillance technology that detects where everyone is through spinal implants. Olham makes top secret superweapons but is ambivalent about their use, as the two planets engage in an endless arms race. Major Hathaway (played by Vincent D’Onofrio) is in charge of a pursuit of alien intruders that were sent on a spaceship that crashed near the vacation spot of Olham and his wife, Dr. Maya Olham (played by Madeleine Stowe). His prime target is Olham, whom he seizes and pharmacologically neutralizes. Olham, convinced that he is not an alien, overpowers his captors and escapes into the netherworld of Earth. In exchange for a promise to acquire drugs from Veteran’s Hospital to assist his ailing wife, Cale (played by Mekhi Phifer) assists Olham in going from the netherworld to the safety of his wife, who has major responsibility for the hospital. Filmviewers will clearly by sympathetic to the plight of Olham as a victim of mistaken identity. Images of the Cold War and McCarthyism clearly emerge in the story, as well as the surveillance technology and intolerance of dissent in 1984, but they are overwhelmed by scenes of Olham’s escape and Hathaway’s pursuit of the “impostor.” Eventually, Hathaway tracks down Olham, who hoped to have a secret rendezvous with his beloved Maya near the site of the crash of the alien spaceship. However, the wreckage reveals that Hathaway was right; indeed, both the real Olham and Maya are dead; they have been replaced by the two cyborgs whom we believed all along were human. MH