
Political Film Review #3

HAWAI`I INTERNATIONAL FILM FESTIVAL HELD One hundred films, mostly from Asia and the Pacific, were presented in Hawai`i free of charge from November 2-16. PFS, as usual, will give an award to the film that best raised political consciousness.  To nominate a film that appeared, send a letter to the Society. NOMINEES FOR BEST FILMS […]

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Political Film Review #2

HAWAI`I INTERNATIONAL FILM FESTIVAL TO BE HELD NOVEMBER 2-16 One hundred films, mostly from Asia and the Pacific, will be presented in Hawai`i free of charge from November 2-16. PFS, as usual, will give an award to the film that best raises political consciousness. For more information, call the Festival office at (808) 528-3456; fax

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Political Film Review #1

AMERICAN POLITICAL SCIENCE ASSOCIATION RECOGNIZES PFS AS A RELATED GROUP At its convention in Chicago last week, the American Political Science Association accorded the Political Film Society the status of a Related Group. PFS was allowed to sponsor one panel, and the Political Transformation Section co-sponsored a second panel. PFS held a business meeting and

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