Dead Snow (Dod Sno), directed by Tommy Wirkola, is a Norwegian tongue-in-cheek comedy built around the premise that Nazis during World War II inhabited an Article Circle naval base at Oksfjord to harass shipping between England and Russia. The brutality of 300 Nazis toward the 3,000 townspeople ultimately resulted in a revengeful massacre, though some Nazis may have escaped or otherwise turned into ghosts, or so medical school students from the University of Oslo learn during their spring vacation at a mountain cabin. After a day of frolicking, that’s what an elderly curmudgeon tells them while drinking a cup of coffee with them before retreating to his tent just outside in the snow. In a permutation on Ten Little Indians (1965), one by one the students die at the hands of the ghastly Nazis, but one appears to reach safety at the end of the film. Does he? MH