Political Film Review #702


In the past, a considerable number of films with political relevance have been released during election years, providing some guidance to voters on the importance of voting. Not so for 2024.

There were only six films nominated films in 2024. Accordingly, members can select the best film in each category, with a deadline of January 31, 2025:

Select the best film from the categoryEXPOSÉ, fact-based films that raise political consciousness about events and situations previously little known that get attention in film:

FILM TITLEACCEPTCONTENT (see full review on website)
The Apprentice(      )How a young Donald Trump started his real-estate business in 1970s and 1980s New York with the helping hand of infamous lawyer Roy Cohn.
Bonhoeffer(      )Lutheran Dietrich Bonhoeffer risks his faith and fate to save millions of Jews from genocide.
I Am Gitmo(      )A Muslim schoolteacher is taken to a CIA black site and then Guantanamo Bay, Cuba, on the basis of a rumor
Kidnapped(      )A Jewish boy is kidnapped and forced into Catholicism in Bolonga, controlled by the Papal States during 1858, because his nanny secretly baptized him.
One Life(      )Sir Nicholas Winton, a young London broker who, in the months leading up to World War II, rescued over 600 children from Nazi-occupied Czechoslovakia.
none of the above(      ) 

Vote for the top film that raised consciousness of the need for improvements inHUMAN RIGHTS:

FILM TITLEACCEPTCONTENT (see full review on website)
I Am Gitmo(      )A Muslim schoolteacher is interrogated and tortured by the CIA, despite professing his innocence.
The Old Oak(      )The last remaining pub, The Old Oak, where people are leaving the land as the mines are closed and either welcome or oppose the arrival of Syrian refugees.
One Life(      )Nazi persecution of Jews in Czechoslovakia.
none of the above(      ) 

Vote for the top film that raised consciousness of the need for DEMOCRACY:

FILM TITLEACCEPTREJECTCONTENT (see full review on website)
Kidnapped(      )(      )A Jewish family seeks to recover their son from detention by Catholic authorities and cannot succeed until Italy becomes a democracy.

Winners in all categories will be sent to members following the meeting of the Board of Directors at 11 a.m., February 1, at 8481 Allenwood Road, Los Angeles, CA.

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