Political Film Review #649


Thanks to members of the Political Film Society, the nominated films have been reduced to no more than five for each category. From the list below selection ONE (1) film that you believe is deserving of an award for the best film in each of the four categories.

Select the very best from the category EXPOSÉ, fact-based films that raise political consciousness about events and situations previously little known that get attention in film:

FILM TITLEYESNOUNDECIDEDCONTENT (see full review on website)
Betrayed(      )(      )(      )Nazi control of Norway in World War II
The Courier(      )(      )(      )A spy reveals Russian nuclear goals
Hive(      )(      )(      )War widow organizes female business
The Rescue(      )(      )(      )Rescue of 12 Thai teens from a cave
Wife of a Spy(      )(      )(      )How a wife reveals a war crime secret

Vote for the top film that promotes consciousness of the need for improvements in HUMAN RIGHTS:

FILM TITLEYESNOUNDECIDEDCONTENT (see full review on website)
Betrayed(      )(      )(      )Norwegian Jews go to Auschwitz
Blue Bayou(      )(      )(      )USA sends adoptees back to a country they left as infants
Held for Ransom(      )(      )(      )ISIS mistreats prisoners citing Gitmo
Flee(      )(      )(      )Dangers faced by Afghan refugees
Wife of a Spy(      )(      )(      )Japan spreads disease in China 1940

Vote for the top film that raises consciousness of the need for PEACEFUL conflict resolution:

FILM TITLEYESNOUNDECIDEDCONTENT (see full review on website)
The Courier(      )(      )(      )Russian nuclear ambitions exposed
Gift of Fire(      )(      )(      )Japan’s nuclear ambition foiled
Hive(      )(      )(      )Albanian women seek information about the fate of their spouses
Margrete: Queen of the North(      )(      )(      )An alliance of Scandinavian countries prevented German aggression
The Trial of the Chicago 7(      )(      )(      )Protesting the American intervention in Vietnam

Only one film sought to raise consciousness of the need for DEMOCRACY.  Accordingly, members can vote Yes or No:

FILM TITLEYESNOUNDECIDEDCONTENT (see full review on website)
Hive(      )(      )(      )War widows protest and assert their rights

Winners in all categories will be selected from the final ballot, which will be sent to members following the meeting of the Board of Directors at 11 a.m., March 1, at 8481 Allenwood Road, Los Angeles, CA.

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