Political Film Review #63


During 1999, some 28 films were nominated for Political Film Society awards, having raised political consciousness in all four categories. Rules of the Political Film Society require that the number of nominations for any category, prior to a final vote, cannot exceed five. The number of nominated films for the category democracy was 5; exposé, 9; human rights, 8; and peace, 6. Accordingly, members have the opportunity to narrow the choices in three of the four categories. The ballot below gives members a threefold choice—accept the nomination, drop the nomination, or undecided. The third choice is because some members may not have had an opportunity to see all the films in a particular category. To refresh your memory about the films, click onto the titles to access reviews previously posted during 1999.


Instructions:  Mark an X between the parentheses of films that you believe best promotes political consciousness within each of the following categories. There is a limit of five (5) under the column “accept” for each category:

Bastards(      )(      )(      )unadopted Amerasians in USA
Boys Don’t Cry(      )(      )(      )plight of a transgendered
Cabaret Balkan(      )(      )(      )Belgrade: chaos in streets
East of Hope Street(      )(      )(      )plight of Salvadorans in LA
The Insider(      )(      )(      )“60 Minutes” & tobacco story
Naturally Native(      )(      )(      )plight of Native Americans
One Man’s Hero(      )(      )(      )role of Irish in Mexican War
Three Kings(      )(      )(      )Gulf War: real conflict over oil
Three Seasons(      )(      )(      )lives of orphans in Vietnam today
Boys Don’t Cry(      )(      )(      )police mistreatment of transgendered
The General’s Daughter(      )(      )(      )rape coverup in U.S. military
The Green Mile(      )(      )(      )barbaric death penalty
Hard(      )(      )(      )police persecution of gays
Naturally Native(      )(      )(      )prejudice against Native Americans
One Man’s Hero(      )(      )(      )U.S. army mistreatment of Irish
Three Kings(      )(      )(      )Iraqi rebels abandoned by USA
Xiu Xiu(      )(      )(      )China’s Cultural Revolution
Cabaret Balkan(      )(      )(      )war abroad à no peace at home
Earth(      )(      )(      )tragic formation of Pakistan
Light It Up(      )(      )(      )public school neglect = violence
One Man’s Hero(      )(      )(      )Mexican War atrocities by USA
Three Kings(      )(      )(      )USA winks at Baghdad-led atrocities
West Beirut(      )(      )(      )tragic Lebanese civil war

After marking your ballot, mail to the above address or email to PolFilmS@aol.com by January 31. Results of the nomination balloting and final ballots for all categories will be sent to members by February 5.


The Board of Directors of the Political Film Society will meet at 8481 Allenwood Road, Los Angeles, on February 5 at 7:30 p.m. All members of the Society are invited. Refreshments will be served. The agenda for the meeting will be to count ballots to determine the final list of nominated films for 1999 to be included in balloting for awards.