Political Film Review #534


Presidential elections years usually flood theatres with politically significant films. During 2016, however, fewer films were nominated in the four categories for Political Film Society awards than 2015. No films were nominated to inspire confidence in democracy, but three films related to peace (Eye in the SkyLand of Mine, and Tanna), six featured human rights (The InnocentsLovingThe Birth of a NationRaceSilenceA War), and Political Film Society members narrowed the twelve nominated Exposé films to five.

To cast your ballots, if you feel that a film should receive the award, mark your ballot YES forthat film. Only one film can be marked YES in each category!  If inappropriate, mark NO. If you did not see a film, put an X for NEUTRAL. Polls close at midnight January 31. If the emailed ballot is hard to read, kindly see the attached file.

For EXPOSÉ films, bringing to prominence lesser known facts that raise political consciousness, select the best film from the following:

Denial   Holocaust denier sues Holocaust expert for libel in a London court.
The People v Fritz Bauer   German Attorney General Bauer despite oppo-sition in his country tracks down Eichmann.
The Siege of Jadotville   Irish UN peacekeeping troops in the Congo face overwhelming Katanga opposition.
Silence   How Japanese got rid of Christianity.
War Dogs   How millions have been made from the arms trade in Afghanistan and Iraq and elsewhere.

For HUMAN RIGHTS films, select the best film from the following:

The Innocents   How Russian troops raped nuns in their occupation of Poland after World War II.
Loving   A couple makes interracial marriage a right.
The Birth of a Nation   Nat Turner slave rebellion of 1831.
Race   How track star Jesse Owens overcame racism.
Silence   How Japanese got rid of Christianity, using torture.

For films promoting PEACE, select the best film from the following:

Eye in the Sky   Drones as indiscriminate killers of innocents.
Land of Mine   German boy POWs are forced to clear landmines in Denmark but half die.
Tanna   A traditional Vanuatu tribe, which has resisted colonization accepts “love marriage.”
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