Political Film Review #325


The final ballot for the best films of 2008 appears below. Political Film Society members can mark favorites in each category as YES. If you have not seen the film, mark UNDECIDED. If you believe the film unworthy of an award, mark NO. The deadline for receipt of all email ballots is February 28.

Select the best film from the categoryEXPOSÉ, fact-based films that raise political consciousness:

FILM TITLEYESNOUNDECIDEDCONTENT (see full review on website)
The Bank Job(      )(      )(      )Largest robbery in history is OK
Battle in Seattle(      )(      )(      )How globalization affects us all
The Counterfeiters(      )(      )(      )Nazis forced Jews to be counterfeiters
Defiance(      )(      )(      )Jews hide from Nazis in a forest
Still Life(      )(      )(      )Impact of 3 Gorges Dam in China

Vote for the top film that raised consciousness of the need for improvements inHUMAN RIGHTS:

FILM TITLEYESNOUNDECIDEDCONTENT (see full review on website)
Battle in Seattle(      )(      )(      )Unnecessary police brutality
The Boy in the Striped Pajamas(      )(      )(      )Auschwitz’s impact on ordinary Germans, especially a child
Changeling(      )(      )(      )How police can mistreat women
Hunger(      )(      )(      )British mistreatment of IRA prisoners
Milk(      )(      )(      )The need to advance gay rights

Vote for the top film that raised consciousness of the need for greater DEMOCRACY:

FILM TITLEYESNOUNDECIDEDCONTENT (see full review on website)
Changeling(      )(      )(      )How police manipulated facts in LA
Flash of Genius(      )(      )(      )How corporations steal inventions
Milk(      )(      )(      )How a gay man got elected in SF
Nothing But the Truth(      )(      )(      )Why reporters should be protected from source disclosure subpoenas

Vote for the top film that raised consciousness of the need for PEACE:

FILM TITLEYESNOUNDECIDEDCONTENT (see full review on website)
Gran Torino(      )(      )(      )Adverse effect of war on GIs in Korea; the efficacy of nonviolence
Stop-Loss(      )(      )(      )Adverse effect of war on GIs in Iraq


Winners in all four categories will be announced March 1, following a meeting of the Board of Directors at 11 a.m., March 1, at 8481 Allenwood Road, Los Angeles, CA.


The International Political Science Association has selected the Political Film Society’s website as one of the best 300 websites resources in the field of political science. For the other 299, see www.ipsaportal.net

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