Political Film Review #219


Many films were pre-nominated for Political Film Society awards for 2004. Since Political Film Society rules require the number of nominated films to be reduced to no more than five in each category, members voted in January to narrow the choices. Accordingly, the final ballot appears below:

For the category DEMOCRACY, promoting increasing consciousness of the need for more political decisionmaking by the people rather than by elites, vote for only one:

FILM TITLEYESNOUNDECIDEDCONTENT (see full review on website)
The Assassination of Richard Nixon(      )(      )(      )because of corporate backing & dirty tricks, voters reelect Nixon though he breaks a promise to get out of Vietnam
Moolaadé(      )(      )(      )women demand their rights at an African village council
The Motorcycle Diaries(      )(      )(      )lacking a voice in South American politics, the poor suffer
Silver City(      )(      )(      )why voters elect simpleminded candidates, e.g. G.W.Bush

For the categoryEXPOSÉ, which recognizes the importance of raising political consciousness by bringing to light little-known facts, fifteen films were nominated, select the best (only one vote is possible):

FILM TITLEYESNOUNDECIDEDCONTENT (see full review on website)
Hotel Rwanda(      )(      )(      )the UN cavalierly abandons Rwanda to genocide
Kinsey(      )(      )(      )repression of politically incorrect scientific research
Osama(      )(      )(      )how the Taliban governed women in Afghanistan
Tae Guk Ki(      )(      )(      )hysteria as South Korean officials prosecute their own citizens who were temporarily under North Korean rule
The Yes Men(      )(      )(      )educated people calmly believe globalization balderdash

Vote for the top film for raising consciousness of the need for greater HUMAN RIGHTS:

Hotel Rwanda(      )(      )(      )Rwanda’s genocidal mania
Moolaadé(      )(      )(      )harmful consequences of female circumcision
Osama(      )(      )(      )women must wear veils, cannot go out unescorted
Vera Drake(      )(      )(      )legal abortions as safer than backroom abortions
The Yes Men(      )(      )(      )global corporate profits trump citizen’s rights

Cast your ballot for the best film raising consciousness of the need for greater use of PEACE as a preferred method for conflict resolution:

Carandiru(      )(      )(      )Brazilian officials slaughter prisoners unnecesssarily
Hotel Rwanda(      )(      )(      )how 1,200 were courageously saved from genocidal death
Tae Guk Ki(      )(      )(      )atrocities against innocent civilians during war
A Very Long Engagement(      )(      )(      )self-mutilation preferable to participation in World War I


The three voting choices have special meanings. If you mark YES, you are saying that you agree, after seeing the film, that the content best merits an award. If you mark NO, you have seen the film and believe that the content is unworthy of an award. If you mark UNDECIDED, you have not seen the film or just have no opinion regarding the merits. Political Film Society members must return ballots by February 28, 2005. Mail to the above address, including your email address, or vote on the Political Film Society website. The Board of Directors of the Society will meet at 8481 Allenwood Road, Los Angeles, at 9:30 a.m. on March 1 to count ballots.

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