Political Film Review #156


December 31 was the last day to nominate films for Political Film Society awards for 2002. Political Film Society rules require the number of nominated films to be reduced to five in each category. Accordingly, a ballot below:

There were seven nominated films for the category DEMOCRACY for promoting increasing consciousness of the need for more political decisionmaking by the people rather than by elites:

Das Experiment(      )(      )(      )autocratic power inevitably leads to abuse of power
John Q(      )(      )(      )health insurance coverage denied in the USA
Max(      )(      )(      )how tyrants are shaped by circumstances
Secret Ballot(      )(      )(      )some Iranians do not understand democratic elections
The Town Is Quiet(      )(      )(      )politicians ignore needs of the masses in France
24 Hour Party People(      )(      )(      )democratic principles applied to the marketplace
Y Tu Mamá También(      )(      )(      )the poor are ignored by the rich in México

For the categoryEXPOSÉ, which recognizes the importance of raising political consciousness by bringing to light little-known facts, fifteen films were nominated, so select the best five:

Antwone Fisher(      )(      )(      )Blacks abuse Blacks due to their mistreatment as slaves
Ararat(      )(      )(      )Turkey’s treatment of Armenians in 1917
Circuit(      )(      )(      )handsome gays take drugs to party all night & die
Enigma(      )(      )(      )UK cryptographers crack German codes
Evelyn(      )(      )(      )first law declared unconstitutional in Ireland
Green Dragon(      )(      )(      )suffering of Vietnamese refugees arriving in USA
The Grey Zone(      )(      )(      )Jews help the Holocaust, then attack captors
John Q(      )(      )(      )health insurance rules in the USA kill innocents
K-19: The Widowmaker(      )(      )(      )USSR sub sent prematurely into battle, some die
Kandahar(      )(      )(      )barbarity of the Taliban rule in Afghanistan
Max(      )(      )(      )shows Hitler’s friends shaped his career choice
Rabbit-Proof Fence(      )(      )(      )Australia kidnaps “half-caste” children for servants
To End All Wars(      )(      )(      )mistreated at POW camp, Allied soldiers forgive them
Tricky Life(      )(      )(      )exposes White slavery from Uruguay to Spain
Y Tu Mamá También(      )(      )(      )elites in México ignore plight of the poor

Vote for the top five films were nominated for raising consciousness of the need for greater HUMAN RIGHTS:

Ararat(      )(      )(      )how Turkey forcibly expelled Armenians in 1917
Das Experiment(      )(      )(      )risks in a social science experiment can be excessive
Evelyn(      )(      )(      )Ireland allows custody of children to a single father
The Grey Zone(      )(      )(      )POW inmates should not be killed
John Q(      )(      )(      )Americans deserve universal health care coverage
Rabbit-Proof Fence(      )(      )(      )Australia kidnapped “half-breeds” from parents
To End All Wars(      )(      )(      )Japanese POW camp violates the Geneva Convention
Tricky Life(      )(      )(      )White slavery profiled

Seven films were nominated for raising consciousness of the need for greater use of PEACE as a preferred method for conflict resolution, so vote for the top five from the following:

Antwone Fisher(      )(      )(      )parents who abandon children sew the seeds of rage
Das Experiment(      )(      )(      )prisoners should not brutalize when punished
K-19: The Widowmaker(      )(      )(      )nuclear arms are too dangerous for deployment
The Quiet American(      )(      )(      )covert atrocities will not bring democracy
The Sum of All Fears(      )(      )(      )nuclear arms are too danger for deployment
Time of Favor(      )(      )(      )blames Sharon & West Bank Jews for current violence
To End All Wars(      )(      )(      )practicing “love your enemy” provides redemption

Political Film Society members must return ballots by January 31, 2003. A meeting of the Board of Directors of the Political Film Society will convene at 1215 1/2 Seal Way, Seal Beach, on Saturday, February 1, 2003, at 2:00 p.m. to count ballots. All Political Film Society members are invited.

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