

In 1952, a teenage Irish gal named Philomena (played by Judi Dench), unaware of how babies are made while growing up, gives birth to a son while in a convent along with other unwed mothers and pregnant women. Three years later, the son is adopted by a family and taken to the United States, where as Michael Hess (Sean Mahon) he becomes a famous attorney for President Reagan and George H. W. Bush, but dies of AIDS at age 47.  In 2002,  after Philomena discloses that she wants to search for her son, word of her quest is relayed to journalist Martin Sixsmith (Steve Coogan), who then guides her in the search. The journalist shows indignation toward the Catholic Church for such a practice, especially while confronting Sister Hildegard (Barbara Jefford), the surviving nun from that era, though Philomena pursues the search in a saintly manner. Philomena, directed by Stephen Frears, was unfortunately not advertised as a film about human rights, though that theme was reveaked in 2014 when prospects emerged that Judi Dench might win a Best Actress award. Accordingly, the Political Film Society Board of Directors voted on March 1 to nominate Philomena for a special award (the Stanley Award). A vote will take place in 2015.  MH

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