Green Card Fever, directed by Bala Rajasekharuni, is an exposé of the illegal and unethical traps of the immigration process in the United States, as seen through the experience of an Indian named Murali (played by Vikram Dasu). When the film begins, Murali is in Columbus, Ohio. He has dropped out of a dance troupe, hoping to find a job and to get a green card in six months. Although he has a place to stay, the apartment is a way station for the continual traffic of Indians overstaying their visas. When he tries to apply for a job, his passport is seized by Parvesh (played by Kaaizad Kotwal), who operates Project Mitra, an underground organization that pretends to get green cards but in actuality works as an employment agency that nets a percentage of the salaries of the illegals. In Murali’s case, Parvesh’s cut at first is 100 percent. At one of the employment sites, a marriage bureau for Indian Americans seeking large profits for weddings arranged with the illegals, Murali meets Bharathi (played by Purva Bedi), a sassy Americanized Indian who does not want her parents to marry her off as if she were merely a piece of property. In a defiant mood because of her parents’ mercenary ambitions, she is rude to Murali, who in turn is polite and does not get flustered when she is impertinent. Impressed that Murali is so well mannered, Bharathi is delighted when he happens to visit a pet store where she is a part-time clerk. Soon she attends the birthday party of her American boyfriend Patrick (played by Nick Baldasare), but he and his friends are rude, showing their ignorance and stereotypes of the customs of India. Bharathi then flees from the party to visit Murali, a man more after her own heart, and she starts to behave nicely. However, Parvesh and an attorney Chan (played by Robert Lin) are organizing a scam to sue Americanized Sikh Omjeet Singh Purewal (played by Deep Katdare), who in turn is trying to bust up the illegal activities of Project Mitra. Parvesh prevails on Murali to testify falsely in court against Om but unwisely does not give him his passport so that the judge will have some basis to authenticate Murali’s identity. Soon, Murali is escorted out of court, arrested as an illegal; on his way to jail, Bharathi hands him a paper containing the word “LIAR.” While in jail, a prison guard subjects Murali to physical abuse, which brings him to his senses. When he reappears in court, he exposes the scam. The INS judge (played by David Alan Shaw) then remands the case to INS attorneys for future litigation, offering Murali a work permit so that he can stay in the country to testify against Parvesh and Chan. Murali and Bharathi end up in each other’s arms at the end of the film. The Political Film Society has nominated Green Card Fever as an exposé that warns illegal aliens and others to beware of the scams that trap those with little knowledge of the labyrinthine maze of the immigration process in the United States. MH